Viszontlátásra Budapest!
On Sunday we packed up our things and took the road to Budapest. Everyone was happy to know that we now do not have to work with plaster again.  After a 3 hour trip and a lot of asking for the right directions, we finally arrived in Budapest. The city made quite an interesting impression while we were driving through it; we could see that it is a totally other culture compared to ours in Germany. Very old buildings rise up into the sky, and many people were running through the streets. When we arrived at Hotel Csaszar everyone ran up into their new rooms and we were very surprised at the huge beds. After a short time organizing ourselves in the rooms, we hit the road to a sightseeing tour around this amazing city. We walked to the Parliament, the famous Matthias Church and the Basilica. After the tour, our class had time to explore the city on our own.

The second day started with a rally, or as Mr. Brightman would say, “The Amazing Race”. We were split up in teams and had to handle 5 big challenges.  These were about visiting different places and to take funny pictures, which counted as evidence. The groups had many different choices where to go and had to find their way on their own.  Among others, our team (NNNC) also visited the House of Terror, the Matthias Church, Grand Market Hall and the Palace of Miracles. While we were visiting these places, we took many funny pictures and got in contact with the Hungarian people. We also saw very different places which gave us a little insight into the city. At 3:00, we all met up at the meeting point, and our teams showed which places they visited.  After a little bit of free time we got on a little boat tour on the Donau , where we reflected a little bit on the day and had a lot of fun taking pictures of the impressive Parliament. One and a half hours later, the boat tour was about to finish, and Mr Brightman and Ms Boos announced the winners of the rally. We got off the boot and split up in smaller groups for dinner.   

The third day, and also our last full day in Budapest, we went in one of the famous thermal baths of the city, Szechenyi . We spent two hours there laying in the sun and swimming in the pools.  At 12:30, we met outside and drove to the American International School of Budapest.

When we arrived at the school after 40 minutes driving through Budapest, we ate lunch in the school cafeteria and met the student council who gave us a very cool tour around the school campus. We were all very impressed by it and became a little bit jealous. After showing us all the buildings, we had a little time to ask the students some questions about the Diploma Programme. All of us enjoyed the stay at the campus, but at 3:30, we left again to the city. After arriving at the city, we had some free time to go shopping or chill out in restaurants.

In the evening, we met again as a group and had our final dinner together in a very nice restaurant with our Budapest contact from Habitat for Humanity.  It was a very nice finish to our trip to Hungary.

By Carolin Dosch & Vivien Jahn

More pictures will be added upon our return.  In the meantime, see the Amazing Race post below for several slideshows of our adventures!